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Phishing Attack How to Perform Phishing Attack...

Alert :- This Blog is For Study Purpose Don't Miss use It   What is Phishing Attack ?   “ Phishing ” refers to an attempt to steal sensitive information, typically in the form of usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, bank account information or other important data in order to utilize or sell the stolen information. By masquerading as a reputable source with an enticing request, an attacker lures in the victim in order to trick them, similarly to how a fisherman uses bait to catch a fish.  Phishing is a malicious technique based on deception , used to steal sensitive information (credit card data, usernames, and passwords, etc.) from users. The attackers pretend to be a trustworthy entity (usually by copying the look and feel of a big brand) to trick the victims into revealing their confidential data. If a phishing attack is successful, it means that malicious third parties managed to gather private data. The stolen information is then used to commit financial the

Artifical Intelligence is bad or Good For us? What do you think Artificial Intelligence is the dignity of human being?


Artificial Intelligence .....

AI is Good or Bad for human Being...
Firstly, we have to Know What is AI and How it works?

In recent years, there have been advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for a broad range of machine learning techniques, such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, and transfer learning. These are considered efficient and advanced tools to address non-trivial technical challenges in both science and engineering. AI-based solutions have been adopted to address challenges in many applications, for example smart energy systems, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation, healthcare, and public safety, among others. In parallel, the Internet of Things (IoT) has experienced rapid development in the past decade. It deploys a massive number of smart terminals, including sensors, actuators, and establishes ubiquitous connections between smart devices and objects, with which one can perceive the world more clearly and control various systems more accurately. IoT also interconnects various separated intelligent systems into a vast smart world.

At present, there is an increasing demand for the convergence of AI and IoT to tackle programming issues in both scientific and engineering applications, such as high-performance data processing and analysis for intelligent decision-making of large-scale complex systems, and lightweight machine learning-based solutions in IoT-driven applications. Novel methods, models, algorithms, and tools are considered worth further research to improve AI and IoT driven solutions in terms of efficiency, scalability, security, and resilience, which significantly benefits the scientific and engineering programming community.

This Special Issue will focus on state-of-the-art research efforts and new perspectives in scientific and engineering computing driven by the convergence of AI and IoT, with particular focus on scientific innovations in methodologies, approaches, and algorithms to enable the efficient, sustainable, and secure operation of complex systems, such as smart grids, or transportation systems. This Special Issue can serve as a forum for researchers and professionals to explore and develop knowledge and insights into AI and IoT driven applications in various domains. We welcome both original research and review articles.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Scientific programming theories, methods and tools for the convergence of AI and IoT
  • Security, scalability, reliability, and portability in machine learning and IoT driven applications
  • AI and IoT driven framework for ubiquitous sensing and data analytics
  • AI and IoT driven techniques in cloud-edge computing environments
  • Architecture, operation paradigms, and resource management for the convergence of AI and IoT systems
  • Cost-benefit analysis of AI and IoT enabled systems against legacy systems
  • Testbeds, implementation, and practices of AI and IoT driven solutions in different application domains, e.g., smart grid, advanced manufacturing, intelligent transportation, healthcare, smart cities, and public safety

What do you think Artificial Intelligence is the dignity of human being?

Before answering this question, I would like to give you some information about this topic.
Artificial intelligence, the ability of a computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.
This is the definition I took from google.
Oh! So boring.
According to my understanding, Artificial Intelligence can make you smarter and makes your country a developed country, but Artificial intelligence can deter your brain development.
Wait! Wait!
I have not finished yet, because I have a logical justification.
"You will not able to think out of the box."

I know artificial intelligence is used on day-to-day basis activities like:-

Social media,
Digital Assistants,
Self-Driving And Parking Vehicles,
Email writing,
Maps and Navigation,
Facial Detection and also as a fingerprint reader,
Text Editors or Autocorrect,
Search and Recommendations, and
E-Payments etc.

But, all these things can also put you in trouble sometimes in your life.
I have a question. Have you ever save your password on your phone?
If yes, so I would like to suggest to you one thing that somebody suggested to me.
That person asked me 'Why are you saving your password on your mobile?'
I replied that because it's easy. After that, I don't need to remember my passwords.
He said 'Suppose, if your phone is stolen then that person can easily assist accounts of yours.'
When he finished his talk, I was still thinking deeply.
Because he was right.
This is not the only case. There are many cases where Artificial Intelligence has failed.
Because It's costly and there is no chance to improve with experience.
We also can not replace humans, because every person has their own creative and fruitful ideas. That means it may affect your thinking ability or abridged your thinking power.
Your country will reap a high rate of unemployment too.
"Why would a company hire individuals?"
When humans can't do the same thing as artificial intelligence can do.
My aim isn't to tell you the shortcomings of artificial intelligence, but to make you aware of the facts. 
I am also not saying that you should not use Artificial Intelligence. You can use it you can treat it as a service but don't treat it like a boss.

Now, it's time to answer your question.

What do you think Artificial Intelligence is the dignity of human beings?

As I told you it can reduce your ability to think out of the box.
And it greatly affects your creative power.
I also told you that Artificial Intelligence is not affected by the experience.
It's a computer system, not a human being.
So, you will not get to see any kind of competition here.
I believe that where there is no competition, the person does not like to take the first initiative to do anything and lives with a fixed mindset.
Like "I am the best.👍"
And on the other hand, if you sit with a creative person, you will take new information and learn new things. You will always think that,
"I have to do better than him or her.🤼"
That thinking of yours will get appreciated in society.
This will strengthen your dignity because a person learns from his mistakes and experiences.

Artifical Intelligence is bad or Good For us?

How Artificial Intelligence Is Good

AI’s potential for good is vast. The most obvious benefit is how it can save companies time and money by automating tasks. AI programs can take over repetitive work so humans can focus on other things, substantially improving productivity.

One of the most beneficial applications of AI is in the medical field. Some AI systems can predict conditions like kidney disease long before humans can, helping doctors treat patients faster. Just as AI saves time in businesses, it can do the same for hospitals, which can save lives.

Predictive analytics, an AI application that deals with making predictions based on scattered data, can help in many ways. Today, businesses use it to predict customer trends, but in the future, it could help things like safety. If AI predicted something like a disease outbreak, crime wave or natural disaster, people could prepare accordingly.

In a more general sense, AI can be a handy tool for everyday processes. If you’ve ever used Alexa or Google Assistant to answer a question or set a reminder, you’ve sought help from AI. All of these benefits only scratch the surface of what AI can do, too.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Bad

There’s no doubt that AI can do a lot of good for society. At the same time, it also has significant potential to be harmful, and you can see some that today. Most notably, AI can take the effects of bias to an extreme.

Amazon stopped using a hiring AI when it turned out that the system favored male resumes, mainly because they used mostly male resumes to train it. Similarly, a criminal justice algorithm in Florida was twice as likely to label African American defendants as “high-risk” than white defendants. Programs themselves don’t have prejudices, but if the data these systems learn from is inherently biased, AI builds on them.

Another concern with AI is that it could favor outcomes over processes, which can be dangerous. For example, a self-driving car could attempt to get a passenger somewhere as fast as possible, but does so by speeding and putting other drivers at risk. Programming a hierarchy of rules and ethics into AI to avoid these situations may be challenging.

AI in the hands of a malicious party, like a terrorist cell, could present an unprecedented danger. In a less extreme outcome, it could just lead to job loss through over-automation. The range of AI’s potential harmful consequences is as broad as its potential for good.

The Final Verdict

With all this in mind, it’s clear that AI has the potential to be both good and bad. So which side outweighs the other? Is AI good or bad? That depends on how people move forward with this technology.

Whether AI will benefit or harm humanity depends mostly on two things: how we build AI and how we apply it. Researchers have to be careful to program AI to account for things like bias, legality and empathy. Similarly, companies should think of how they’re using AI, ensuring that they don’t give it too much power or sacrifice people in the process.

If people can be careful with it, AI can revolutionize the future from business to public safety. As long as we understand the risks of AI and work to avoid them, it can be one of history’s most beneficial technologies.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Ai can be programed in a way that it does not hurt human..... also it can be made to operate with human assistance not full automated to avoid it giving it full power...
    There ,we will live ,work well with Ai


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